Day #9 My First Horse: (1) How I Met My First Horse

Hi everyone! So, in some of my previous posts, I have mentioned my horse. Since we have had quite a journey so far, I decided to tell you guys how it all began. This is part one of a few parts, so stay tuned for those! So for a little background; before I met my … Continue reading Day #9 My First Horse: (1) How I Met My First Horse

Day #8 Gap Year: My 6-month Experience

Hi guys! Today I decided to talk a bit about gap years and my experience with a gap year to hopefully help a few people who might be thinking about taking a gap year after school, but they aren't sure if they should. First let's start off with what a gap year is. I don't … Continue reading Day #8 Gap Year: My 6-month Experience

Day #6 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2??

I woke up to insane news this morning and I am so excited to share it with you all! Last night, Nintendo had its E3 conference, which usually includes a bunch of announcements including new consoles, DLC and games. There was one announcement in particular that absolutely made my year. I basically screeched when I … Continue reading Day #6 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2??